In Texas, you control your land and the right to protect it. This includes who can and cannot enter or access your property as long as you have not signed away your rights to another or given them permission to access your land.
If you do not want Industrial Wind or Solar, or Lithium mining salespeople or their representatives on your property, start with a No Trespassing Sign on your Fence and/or gate. These companies have been known to just show up in someone's pasture to "survey". If you have not given them permission, they cannot be on your property.
Just in case you are not familiar with the "Purple Paint Rule" in Texas: If you paint a purple stripe 3-5 feet above the ground on your trees surrounding your property, that's the same thing legally as posting "No Trespassing" signs.
This site does not provide legal advice or any sort of legal representation. The information provided is from published information and in many cases first hand observation.
If you are contacted by any Industrial Wind, Solar or Lithium mining companies, individuals or representatives and you wish to explore their information or engage them in any fashion, it is highly recommended that you contact a lawyer and have them review all information provided.
These companies tend to work from the same type "playbook" and it is highly probable that they will communicate information to you in a way that is significantly more beneficial to them. Without a good lawyer you could end up in a situation that is legally or financially a problem for you.
Just remember: Any deal that sounds too good to be true, probably is.
There are many good lawyers to contact if you don't already have a good contract lawyer. You can start with and go from there.
You can contact us for a list of trial, environmental, and contract lawyer.
If you have questions about an existing site or one being built, it is best to start with your County Commissioners. For Air or water issues (including runoff, contamination, etc.) contact the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
If you are getting no where with the county or state, contact your State Senator AND your State Representative.