Click on Bill for more info. Updated 3/10/2025
This bill covers wind, solar, and battery facilities and requires that they provide notice of their project, hold public hearings at request, have adequate insurance both for damage, follow multiple fire regulations including UL 9540 and 9540A, NFPA 70 and 855, have significant offsets from adjoining property, and be obligated to decommissioning when the project is no longer operational.
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This bill would abolish Chapter 312 tax abatements for wind and solar facilities
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This bill would require remediation (clean up) of battery storage facilities. This is the house version of SB 1824
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This bill would require remediation (clean up) of battery storage facilities.
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This bill would eliminate tax abatements for solar facilities.
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This bill would eliminate state and local rebates, refunds, or other monetary incentives for wind and solar facilities.
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This bill would abolish Chapter 312 tax abatements for wind and solar facilities.
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This bill requires ERCOT to determine if more than 35% of power supplied to the grid is from wind and solar and if so, start requiring the disconnection of wind and solar facilities to limit their total production to less than 35%
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This bill requires the recycling company in the State of Texas to file yearly reports of each wind, solar, and battery facility that submits materials for recycling, confirming the payment by each company and provide that information via the internet for public review.
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This bill requires the proper recycling of wind and solar components and financial guarantees from the company before the site can operate.
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This bill Wind, Solar, Battery Storage facilities and their related transmission lines to secure funding in advance for the future decommissioning of their projects. In the event of decommissioning, the grantee (developer) must pay the decommissioning funds to the landowner. It also includes water rights and landowner rights for injunctive relief.
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This bill does two things: It taxes wind and solar installations the same amount of money as those installations receive in subsidies, grants, and any other federal benefits. And, it requires them to report the amount and source of each.
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This bill allows cities and counties, regardless of population, to regulate wind and solar installations and prevent them from being built within 500 yards (1500 feet) from the property line of other property owners.
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Relating to renewable energy generation facilities; authorizing fees:
This bill will require Wind and Solar facilities to apply for a permit from the state. The application requires timely notification to citizens, input from the County Judge and set standard for setbacks (the setbacks are too low but can be argued in Committee). Additionally real mechanisms must be put into place for approval by TPW and other agencies and they MUST put up decommissioning funds up front. Plus, facilities receiving a permit are not allowed to receive Ch 312 tax abatements.
HB553 has better setbacks. See that bill further down the list.
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This bill changes the goals for electric generation capacity to include all dispatchable energy sources and not just natural gas (note that wind, solar and batteries are NOT dispatchable). It provides credits to dispatchable energy sources if the total grid power mix drops to less than 55% dispatchable energy.
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This bill adds regulation of battery storage facilities at the county level and prevents their installation within 500 yards of another property.
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This bill requires permitting of battery storage facilities by the PUC. It requires county notification, public hearings,
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This bill requires permitting for Wind and Solar projects. For the permit a public hearing must be held and residents within 25 miles and county judge must be notified. Facilities must be at least 500 feet from other property lines and 1,000 from any habitable structures. This bill has better setbacks than SB819.
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This bill prevents the issuing of a certificate to build, own, or operate a facility that imports or exports power (a transmission line) within the ERCOT grid that would put any part of that grid under control over the FERC (US government).
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This bill prevents solar developers from rapid depreciation of a facility to minimize property taxes. A facility would have to depreciate their facility over no less than 35 years, making them responsible for much more in taxes.
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This bill requires wind turbine developers to install light mitigation technology to reduce light pollution caused by wind turbines.
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